Medical Equipment & Laboratory utilities provided to PHC Dachhan by CVPPL 26-Mar-2025
CVPPL - Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project Kishtwar provided Medical equipments and various Laboratory utility items worth Rs. 6.5 lakhs, under CSR Plan 2024-25, to the Primary Health Centre Dachhan in Kishtwar. Machines like Biochemistry Analyser, CBC Analyser, Urine Analyser, Bionuclear microscope, Centrifugal Machine alongwith all regents, strips and utility items were handed over by Shri B S Meena, GM (Civil) CVPPL to BMO Dachhan, Dr. Sajjad Hussain, for their optimum utilisation as well as running and maintenance. As per the requisitions received from the Office of CMO Kishtwar, large number of Machines & Laboratory equipment approximately worth Rs. 18.00 Lakh have been provided to various PHCs in the District of Kishtwar by Pakal Dul HE Project during the current Financial Year.
BMO Dachhan publicly acknowledged the immense contributions of Managing Director CVPPL, Shri Ramesh Mukhiya, and Shri Vishal Anand, HoP Pakal Dul HEP in equipping their PHC Dachhan with such wonderful machines and Laboratory utility items for the welfare of local people of Dachhan. These facilities will not only save time & money of the staff and local people but also go a long way in meeting the urgent needs of local patients who otherwise had to wait for days and travel long distances to get basic tests done.
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